In 1999 Debbie Pincus started selling fashion Jewelry and women’s handbags in her home state of New Jersey. She mainly sold her items at temple events, church events, street fairs, festivals, and home shows. Her business grew into providing jewelry and bags wholesale as well, through reps who called on gift shops and other women’s boutiques, up and down the east coast.
After the passing of her father in 2004, the family decided to move south to Florida, where she picked up where she left off. She quickly noticed that tastes were different in the warmer climate. Many women did not wear jewelry or carry bags as much as they did up north. She pivoted and began to sell clothing.
In 2016, her friend had been operating a boutique in Wellington, FL. She had a successful business, and a good following, and she was looking to retire. After months of trying to sell the store with no success she decided to close, luckily, before she did; Debbie was able to make an offer to take over. It was accepted and the Kloset Kouture was born. Debbie continued to solidify her reputation and business in South Florida doing things as she always did. Providing beautiful boutique items at great prices and the best service anywhere.
In 2017, she extensively renovated the store, updating it and making it a great place to shop. Quickly the public responded. Things were going well, until the pandemic of COVID 19 struck, as it has so many small businesses. Debbie decided to pull herself up by her bootstraps (boots we do not sell, but they were nice boots!) and look for ways to continue operating in this challenging environment. She had seen other boutiques going live on their pages on Facebook, and drawing an audience, and thought let me give this a try. It was far outside of her comfort zone but with the help of her family, specifically her daughters, Shaina and Sydney she got started and the new method of reaching the customers took root.
Today both the boutique and online stores are doing well, we look forward to being your personal shopper, let us dress you. Thank you for visiting our site and if you are ever in South Florida, let us know, we would love to meet you and have you visit our store!